bDUGO SELO/b - Osnovna škola bDugo Selo/b koja radi u tri smjene i ima 1593 učenika nema produženi boravak za prvašiće, ali ima za problematične učenike 6. i 7. razreda, po čemu su jedinstveni u Hrvatskoj. b.../b
Starved of lonely drivers in search of a little company I was stood endlessly it seemed by the same piece of road in bDugo Selo/b, a village that translates as Long Village and needless to say matches its description perfectly. b....../b You only have to visit bestates/b in parts of south or east London to see the heritage. Not that I think British society should get down upon a collective bended knee for this. I dont want repentence, just practical solutions and more reflection. b.../b